And it is not at all the fault of Giancarlo Esposito, who played the dictator of Yara quite decently. Thus, it is a pity that the other side of the conflict is so pale, and Anton Castillo, as the main opponent of Libertad, is incredibly pale compared to the previous installments of the series. And this also means that Ubisoft can definitely go one level higher in this aspect … but it was missing in many other important story moments. Especially that there are moments when the atmosphere becomes extremely dense and the events on the screen can surprise you. It’s a pity, because the creations of Libertad members are one of the strengths of Free Download Far Cry 6 for MAC ! If some of them would get a bit more time than the dialogues during their journey from A to B, it would be much better. The problem is that from the side of the main storyline, the whole story is at best average, and it is interwoven with very short or very long quests (of which even the creators themselves joke in one of the tasks), during which we occasionally have a chance to get to know the individual heroes. Nevertheless, it is the combination of the past (climatic buildings from the past, Libertad legends, weapons and vehicles) with the future (modern technologies, the use of various methods of propaganda, music) that makes Yara attract and encourage people to spend a lot of time in it. The setting itself has been rolled so many times in many other games over the years that in direct comparison to previous games (especially FC 4) it seems to be another title in Cuban climates.

Far Cry 6 free download MAC isn’t something we haven’t seen before in games. And since Dani has a military history, the operation of a rifle or a CD launcher is not a major problem. Over time, however, the desire to take revenge on Anton Castillo turns into a fight for the future of the inhabitants of Yara. However, the whole plan does not materialize, and Dani, as the only survivor, is tasked with reaching the resistance movement called Libertad.

We meet Dani Rojas in quite unusual circumstances – Anton Castillo’s army gathers all the people selected by lot to join her ranks, and the hero / heroine is planning to get away from Yara as far as possible.